
A tier 1 material that needs further extracting.

Paths to :

Calx -> Calspar

Extracts to  :



Chalk Glance

Commonly Extracted with:

Furnace with ~63 Bor per 1k Calspar

Furnace with ~100 water per 1k Calspar

Furnace with ~35 Coke per 1k Calspar

Blast Furnace with ~49 Sulfur per 1k Calspar

Blast Furnace with ~28 Dragon Salt per 1k Calspar

Blast Furnace with ~100 Ichor per 1k Calspar

Fabricula with ~100 Ichor per 1k Calspar

Fabricula with ~70 Sulfur per 1k Calspar

More Malachite and Electum with NO Chalk Glance produced:
Fabricula with ~90 Bor per 1k Calspar